We left San Antonio and Braunig Lake RV park this morning. Just a few of the staff from the rally are still there. We are staying in Beaumont, Texas tonight. Had planned on maybe going as far a Lake Charles, LA, but the wind really picked up.
I tried to get a picture from the window of all the beautiful wildflowers they have along the roads in Texas. Right now the Bluebonnets are out in the San Antonio area; in fact, they are having their Bluebonnet Fiesta this weekend. In this area, they are pinkish red and yellow--don't know the name other than the Indian Paint Brush.
When the area we are traveling thru is boring, I'm reading a book or the map.
In this picture, you have to look close. Enlarge it and right above the windshield wipers by the yellow line, you will see a nice perfectly round spot on on the window where a truck threw a stone at our window. At least, it is in the middle and towards the bottom and no spreading. Will have to get that filled when we get home.
The skyline of Houston. Was planning on going around the city, but we were going along so good, we decided to head right on through the city. Being a Saturday may have helped too.
Here is our spot tonight. Ranger Rex seemed to like it. He's back now. He took a little siesta during the rally. He wasn't allowed on the bus, etc. because he didn't register.
We are staying at Gulf Coast RV Resort in Beaumont, TX tonight. It is only 5 years old and quite nice. A lot of people stay here by the month. We are staying on a site where the person left. We finally got to use one of our CampUSA campgrounds. We only had to pay $17.50 tonight and getting a free continental breakfast--the kind with waffles, etc.-- in the morning. This is the fourth private campground we have stayed in Texas and they all have something in common that we don't have in Michigan or many other places. It is: all their bathrooms are private. Each bathroom is your own sink, toilet and shower. Near the area where we were staying in San Antonio, they only had 2, but never did we have to wait for a shower (by the way they were the nicest and HOT water). Guess when the campgrounds have full hook-ups everyone uses their rigs. We let Mom use the shower in the motorhome though because I think it is safer for her. Well, time for a walk and grill up some dinner. Think it is about time we head to a grocery store again.
We are going to see if we can get into the Gulf Islands National Seashore Park for a couple of days. It is by Biloxi, Mississippi. So, I won't have internet there. After that, we are headed to Gulf Shores, AL and probably will stay at the state park. They may have some service there or I will have to go find some wireless somewhere.
By the way, Carl is feeling fine today. He almost seems normal. We are getting away from all that pollen too. My lower back is still bothering me, so will have to see the chiropractor when I get home.
You should take a picture of a bathroom at the RV park and post it so I can show Becky. Maybe I can get her to camp in Texas!!