We moved to Malaquite (Mal-a-keet) beach Wednesday afternoon. This is our site. Still no hook-ups or facilities. It is just about 1/2 mile from the beach camping. The weather was a little damp/misty/blowing in the morning and sand was all over the place.
We went into the little town of Padre Island, which is actually a part of Corpus Christi) to do laundry. We had a few loads to do and what a laundromat it was. It sure needed cleaning and fixing up including the appliances, but we finally got it done. Had a quick fast food lunch and headed back out to the National Park. That is when we decided to get up a little higher
We met a couple who live about a mile and half from us in Kentwood. There will be there until May 1. He has been surf fishing for whiting--a nice white, mild fish. They come down in November. That would be too long for me.
This is picture of the guy who was camped across from us. I think everything he owns is right there. He sleeps in the sliding door and changes is clothes right at the door and outside. We have been seeing a sight for sure. Just outside the picture is a beat up motorcycle he drives. One night he went to the cold outdoor shower that is just to the left of the picture with a pair of shorts he cut himself. They were a white knit that looked like he used an axe to shop them. He washed his entire body. And, I mean every where--head to toe and all the places inbetween, if you know what I mean. We saw more than we wanted.
This is a picture of the scene of the gulf from our site. Just walk a short walk down a ramp to the beach where there are no cars driving.
This is silly picture of me coming in from the wind with hair going every which way it wants but the way I want. Carl calls it my funky hair.
Saturday we came off the island. We headed to get some groceries and gas. Used some gas for the generator. After that we took the motor home and the car to a self-service car wash. Wow, were they dirty and loaded with sea spray. They have the nicest washed that are a little over 13 ft. high to wash the motor home with hoses for the front area and the back so you don't have to haul all around.
Whle camping here my back began to hurt. It is my lower back. Must of twisted it just right. Sure could use a chiropratic now. I can walk real good, but I can't bend or hardly get out of a chair. Been icing it and then heat. Taking lots of pain meds too.
Saturday we came off the island. We headed to get some groceries and gas. Used some gas for the generator. After that we took the motor home and the car to a self-service car wash. Wow, were they dirty and loaded with sea spray. They have the nicest washed that are a little over 13 ft. high to wash the motor home with hoses for the front area and the back so you don't have to haul all around.
Then, we headed to another campground
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