Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 1, 2, and 3

Here are our 2 little travelers--sleep all day, up all night!

March 12, Friday, 8:30 p.m.

We started out on Wed. at 8 a.m and had breakfast at Mr. Burger. We headed down 131 to 94 to 57 in Illinois. Cloudy and misty when we started out, but the day turned out OK. Really quite pleasant. We stayed in Mt. Vernon, IL arriving about 6:30. Had tornado watch that night but thankfully all we got was a thunderstorm. The campground was more than bad. We couldn't find any other place to stop and it was getting dark. It gets dark a lot sooner in Central Time Zone. This campground had mud all around the so called gravel pad. Most of the people there were living at the campground. Carl said the toilets we awful and not to go near them. The office was just clutter with everything you can imagine. While we were eating breakfast the man two spots down put all his garbage in plastic bags in an outdoor fireplace and set it a fire.

On Thursday, we camped behind the Days Inn in Brinkley RV park in Brinkley, Arkansas. Beautiful sunny day, but awfully strong winds that we had to stop early.

Today, I saw the first tree with buds and then the early spring flowers. We are in Tyler, TX at a campground called #1 RV park. Another sunny day but again the wind really picked up just before we got to Texarkansas. Slow going again.

This next part is for Eric because he likes to look at atlas and check our route down to the Corpus Christi, Rockport, Port Aransas area from Texarkana.

Texarkana - US 59 to St 155 to Tyler. We are staying on 31 W 2 miles from Loop 323.

Tomorrow we will continue on St 155 to Palestine, then take US 79 to Rockdale, then US 77 to Victoria. From Victoria we will decide which route to take according to where we will want to be.

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